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How User-Friendly Customer Chatbots Are Revamping the Consumer Experience Paradigm

By: TEAM International | December 20, 2018 | 5 min

If you’ve ever had a problem and needed to contact customer service or support, chances are you had a very slow and often frustrating experience. This is most likely because the agent responsible for helping you is looking through a whole range of different tools and platforms, which means they have massive amounts of information that is either time-consuming to access or sometimes even inaccessible.

Enter customer service chatbots, automated tools defined as the ones that use instant messaging as an application interface. If this is something new to you and you think you’ve never encountered a chatbot—customer engagement before, chances are you’re wrong. Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Facebook, and many other big tech giants use it. And if the merge of human input and conversational AI in customer experience went extremely well, you won’t even notice that you’re speaking to customer experience chatbots.

Chatbot integration in customer service has been so immense that Servion Global Solutions predicts 95 percent of all consumer support activities, including live telephone and online conversations, will be powered by automated customer interaction solutions by 2025. As the tech landscape evolves rapidly, such tools are becoming so sophisticated that there is a chance they will leave you utterly oblivious of going through AI-powered customer interactions. Hence, ‘spotting the bot’ can be a real quest to accomplish.

Perhaps the most cited example of chatbot customer engagement would be when you have an issue with a product; a bot would engage with you by asking a few questions and then take an educated, usually very accurate, guess about what’s wrong and how to fix it.

Other examples include personalized chatbot experiences, like support and service, providing shoppers with references or ideas, as well as handling marketing and consumer engagement.

So, the beauty of a chatbot is its ability to sift through large amounts of information and provide relevant results tailored to your needs and issues. This makes it more efficient than a human, who may struggle to handle so much information.

It’s also worth mentioning that, more often than not, the person trying to help you may actually be using a search engine like Google to try and find the solution to your problem or need—the same piece of software you already have access to. This highlights a major problem for many companies: they lack usable knowledge bases.

Ultimately, this is what makes the integration of chatbots for customer support an exciting new feature for business owners. It will replace the existing knowledge bases. Some even say that it will replace applications; chatbots are generally used on messenger apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook, which have over 5 billion users combined.

For companies, these chatbots are easy to set up and the applications are already on your customers’ phones, giving you around the clock access to your customers at a much lower cost with a higher level of efficiency.

P.S. If you’re thinking of introducing a chatbot to your business then take a look at our Business Intelligence services to learn more about TEAM’s capabilities and offerings. We’re ready to create AI solutions that work for your business and your consumers alike.

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